A wise man once said, “Your past doesn’t define you. It’s what you do with the rest of your life that counts.” In the pages of my life, I’ve learned that my past doesn’t define me; it’s the choices I make moving forward that truly matter. The loss of my mother at 13 set me on a difficult path—crime, gangs, and a struggle with heroin addiction. Even a 32-year-to-life sentence couldn’t break the cycle until my wife entered my life and planted the seed of change that led to my parole in 2020.

Life continued to test my strength with the recent tragedy of my daughter’s suicide on 09/18. Yet, surrounded by the unwavering support of family, friends, and coworkers, I’ve found the resilience to navigate through this profound grief. In the past three years, I’ve achieved more than I ever thought possible. Sobriety has become my playground, and now the sky’s the limit.

Joining Social Model Recovery Systems (SMRS) as a primary counselor at the Bimini in October 2021 marked a new beginning. An opportunity to transition to a housing and alumni coordinator under the guidance of Program Director Brandon James in the Community-Based Housing and Alumni program soon presented itself. I cherish my role because it allows me to assist men and women fresh out of residential treatment, helping them find their footing in the community and live the lives they truly deserve.

Becoming a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor I (CADC I) is not just a certification; it symbolizes the transformation I’ve undergone. Grateful for the support that brought me here, I see each step forward as a chance to make a positive impact.

As I look ahead, I am eager to continue this journey of growth, redemption, and making a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

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