As the calendar turns to August 31st, the world unites to mark International Overdose Awareness Day. 

This year’s theme, “Recognizing Those People Who Go Unseen,” resonates deeply with the mission of Social Model Recovery Systems (SMRS), a non-profit agency located in Los Angeles County that stands at the forefront of battling addiction. 

Addiction is a global challenge that silently impacts countless lives. Beyond the visible struggles lies a world of pain, isolation, and despair. International Overdose Awareness Day reminds us to acknowledge these invisible battles and extend a helping hand to those in need.

The theme this year aligns with our mission to bring to light the struggles that often remain unseen. Our agency’s goal is to create community support, where individuals grappling with addiction can connect with others who truly understand their journey. In this supportive environment, the unseen struggles are recognized, shared, and ultimately overcome together.

Our agency empowers individuals by providing our participants/residents with essential tools and skills to regain control of their lives. By addressing the unseen emotional and psychological wounds, participants/residents find strength in themselves and their peers.

Our agency takes a holistic approach, addressing not only the physical aspects but also the mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of recovery. It’s a space where unseen healing takes place.

The theme ” Recognizing Those People Who Go Unseen,” is a powerful reminder that every story of addiction is unique, and every battle deserves recognition and support. SMRS embodies this theme through its unwavering commitment to acknowledging, addressing, and healing the unseen struggles of addiction. 

This year’s theme also underscores the significance of International Overdose Awareness Day. It’s a call to action to unveil the hidden battles of addiction, bringing them to light so that they may be addressed with empathy, understanding, and support. While the challenges are immense, SMRS’ commitment to change and growth exemplifies the spirit of hope and resilience that is essential in transforming lives affected by addiction. 

Let us all join hands to remember those we’ve lost, support those who are fighting, and work collectively toward a future free from addiction.

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